Monday 29 January 2018

Week 28th January to 4th February


In english speaking countries, it is a custom to wish your family and friends, coworkers, neighbours and anyone you are familiar with, happy wishes for the new year. This can be done during the whole month of January and is thought to be rude if you do not do this.

It is also a custom to reflect on your New Yar Resolutions. What's this? It's simply promising yourself to be a better person, to have goals and fulfill them. This is a letter written to yourself and it is done usually in the first weeks of January. Then, you place your letter in an envelope and seal it. On the outside write: To be opened on January 1st, of the following year. This means that you will wait a whole year before you open it.

Will you write a New Year's Resolution for next year? Then, you can see a year later how fun it is to see how you thought and those things that were important to you and if you achieved all or some of your goals.

So, Happy New Year and may all your dreams for 2018 come true!!

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