Monday 3 December 2018

Christmas countdown

3rd December, 2018

Christmas is on it's way, there's no stopping it now! Many of you will be spending Christmas Eve with family, others with friends, but whatever the case, there's always tradition backing up any and every activity we may want to take on and encounter. 

Through this blog, and during the following weeks, I will be posting a few new options: Christmas songs and activities. Here, you will find from baking, making crafts, Christmas carols to games, colouring pages and learning activities. I hope you enjoy them!

Christmas is a time for sharing, giving, receiving and feeling blessed for all that we have. Being with family and friends. I hope this month is a pleasant one for all. Enjoy this special season and have a Merry Christmas !!

Friday 9 November 2018

Welcome to my blog

Dear Parents and students,

I want to welcome you to my English blog. I hope you can find interesting information here to play with your children and help them to acquire their skills in listening, reading and speaking, which will help them acquire their writing skills later on.

All the videos placed on the blog are geared towards helping the children gain more confidence in themselves and their listening skills. The chants, songs, stories and films will enhance their phonological system and work their listening skills which will teach them to pronunciate better. The more they listen, the better they will understand and learn to say the words clearly and fluently. I hope you find them enjoyable to watch and listen to!

Thank you for your collaboration in your child's English learning process.


Teacher Cristina 😃

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Tuesday, 5th June 2018


Only 13 days left before end of school and today was the last day for some of my students. We played some dice games that they really loved so I'm going to leave for you here the games that I've played with them and the score cards as well to keep track of your points:

1) Yahtzee (simplified)

This game is loads of fun and here I've simplified it a little bit. You need:

- 5 dice
- cup
- scorecard and pencil

1) With one die, roll to see who starts
2) The first player puts all the dice in the cup and rolls all the 5 dice. You have 3 rolls during your hand and you must get as many of the same number as which you started with. Once you go with one of the sides, you can't go back and do the same one, because you will be eliminating sides of the die.

For example: if I roll my first hand out and get three 1's, on the second roll I get no 1's and on my third roll I get another 1. In total, I have four 1's so that's the total points for the 1's box. I am now done with the 1's.

Full house: when you get a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on your first roll
3 of a kind: when on your first roll you get 3 dice that are the same. You do not continue rolling
4 of a kind: when on your first roll you get 4 dice that are the same. You do not continue rolling
Yahtzee: when you get all five dice the same number on the first roll. You don't continue rolling

The winner is the player who gets the most points








Full house (50)

3 of a kind (30)

4 of a kind (40)

Yahtzee (100)


2) Knock-out

- 2 dice
- scorecard and pencil

1) Determine the first player
2) Each player must choose his own "knock-out" number. This number must be a 6, 7, 8 or 9.
3) First player rolls the dice. You must add up the totals of your dice EXCEPT for if you roll the total of your knock-out number. Then you must add a -10 to your scorecard.
4) First player to reach 30 points (or 50 points) is the winner.


3) Beat that

- 2 dice
- scorecard and pencil

1) Determine first player
2) Roll two dice and make the highest number with it. For example, if you roll a 3 and a 6, you can make a 63. If you roll a 2 and a 5, you can make a 52...
3) All the players roll once and the highest number in that round gets 5 points.
4) The player to make the first 30 points, wins.

** You can play using 3 dice instead of 2

4) Highest take:

- 3 dice
- scorecard and pencil

1) Determine first player
2) Player 1 rolls the three dice and sets aside the highest number.
3) Roll again but the remaining 2 dice. Set aside the highest number
4) Roll a third time the last die. Then add up all your points. Keep track of your scorecard
*The first player to reach 20 (or 50) points wins

5) 3 of a kind

-5 diced
- cup

1) First player rolls one hand. Your goal is to roll out 3 same dice of whatever number. If you have only 2 the same, set those aside and roll one more time the rest of the dice. If you are not able to make out 3 this same, you get 5 points. Only 2 rolls per hand maximum.

Points for first roll:

3 of a kind: 10 points
4 of a kind: 15 points
5 of a kind: 20 points

Hope you enjoy playing! If you have any other dice games you know, please share!!

Monday 14 May 2018

Monday, 14th May

Only 6 weeks left before school is out and the third trimester is wrapping up with the last units to polish up. It looks like warm weather is finally here and we can start taking our first walks along the beach and get a good feel for the sand between our toes and the cold water that is wonderful for the circulation.

I will leave you a few links with fun beach games to get started in the late days of spring. The days are longer and the sun is hotter and that means more time on the beach to do fun stuff. Hope you find in  these links fun games to play with your family and friends.


Beach Games:

If you don't live near the beach, try these games:

2017 Wilderness Twilight Camp Water Games

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Wednesday, 4th April

Back from Holy Week celebration:

We're well into the school week and it's hard to believe that there's only 12 weeks of school left before summer holiday!! That means only 12 english classes left (roughly) to finish off the school year.

Spring often means cleaning out after the long hard winter and getting rid of old materials. Maybe do a fun craft! Here's a video with some cool ideas for spring. Hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Wednesday, 21st March

First day of spring!!

The spring is on its way. The weather nevertheless isn't exactly what we would all like it to be, but the rain is much needed. These cold siberian winds are harsh and soon the Spring will begin to show us it's beautiful colours and warm up our hearts a bit more. 😄

Spring Crossword

Saturday 10 February 2018

Week 12th to the 18th February

This week we celebrate  Shrove Tuesday (or Pancake Tuesday)

Tuesday, 13th February is Shrove Tuesday. This is the day before Ash Wednesday. For Christians, it's the day before lent begins. Lent is observed during the 40 days before Holy week and it's a time to rid our bodies of rich, fatty foods and each healthy, as well as to live a more austere lifestyle. Before we begin lent, Shrove Tuesday is a day to empty our pantries of rich foods, thus the making of pancakes to enjoy a last mouthful of tasty, rich foods such as this one.

Here's a video on how to make Pancakes:

And we celebrate Valentines day on Wednesday, 14th February:

Watch this video about who was St. Valentine:

Now, answer these questions in the worksheet:

Monday 29 January 2018

Week 28th January to 4th February


In english speaking countries, it is a custom to wish your family and friends, coworkers, neighbours and anyone you are familiar with, happy wishes for the new year. This can be done during the whole month of January and is thought to be rude if you do not do this.

It is also a custom to reflect on your New Yar Resolutions. What's this? It's simply promising yourself to be a better person, to have goals and fulfill them. This is a letter written to yourself and it is done usually in the first weeks of January. Then, you place your letter in an envelope and seal it. On the outside write: To be opened on January 1st, of the following year. This means that you will wait a whole year before you open it.

Will you write a New Year's Resolution for next year? Then, you can see a year later how fun it is to see how you thought and those things that were important to you and if you achieved all or some of your goals.

So, Happy New Year and may all your dreams for 2018 come true!!