Monday 7 November 2016

week 7 to 13 November Autumn is on it's way


Autumn is finally here! How did the holiday week go? Did you have a chance to see or do any Halloween crafts? Christmas is just around the corner but before we get into christmas activities, we're going to look at Autumn this week.

What is Autumn?

Autumn is the third season of the year. Altogether there are four seasons:
  1. Spring
  2. Summer
  3. Autumn
  4. Winter
In some countries like America, autumn is known as fall.

When is Autumn?

In the United Kingdom the first day of autumn was on 22 September 2016. On this day the hours of daylight and hours of night are the same.
As time goes on the hours of daylight get shorter and shorter until winter begins when you will see that it is dark by tea-time.

Autumn Weather

In autumn the weather changes all the time. The weather turns cooler and often windy and rainy. Trees can be blown down in strong winds and we begin to wear warmer clothes. Mornings are often misty. Can you see the dew on the spider's web?

Autumn Trees

Leaves begin to turn different colours like red, yellow and brown.
After a while the leaves fall to the ground or are blown off the trees in the wind. They often make a carpet of leaves under the trees.

Birds Fly South for the Winter

Birds like swallows and swifts fly away thousands of miles away to Africa as our winters in the United Kingdom are too cold for them.

There aren't many insects for them to feed on in the cold weather of winter. They stay away until spring.

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