Wednesday 17 April 2019

Easter Festivity

Happy Easter!!

This week, Spanish children and adolescents have the week off due to the Holy Week celebrations. This celebration is known as Easter in Anglo-saxon countries and the tradition, although based on the same custom, has different representations. 

Here, the  Easter Rabbit takes on an important role and is the one that brings children Easter eggs that are hidden all over the house on Easter Sunday morning. Children all over the world celebrate this tradition and enjoy painting eggs.

The tradition of painting Easter eggs has a deep tradition in many countries in Europe and the egg symbolizes new life. People paint eggs and are given as gifts to others.

Cakes are madewith whole hard-boiled eggs which are eaten during this week or on the Easter Sunday.

This is a typical Easter egg hunt where children participate in getting as many eggs as possible.

Click on the following link to watch a story:

Peppa Pig: Easter Bunny

Peppa Pig: The Great Egg Hunt

Dye Easter eggs:

How to draw and colour Ester eggs on paper:

Easter egg template to print:

For those who have holidays this week, enjoy and...