Thursday 9 May 2019

April Showers...

This is a typical expression that people from all over the world in English-speaking countries say during this time of year.

The month of April, traditionally a rainy period, gives way to May, when flowers will bloom because of the water provided to them by the April rains. This is the preface to summer, which is not far off now - only 7 weeks to go!!

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Easter Festivity

Happy Easter!!

This week, Spanish children and adolescents have the week off due to the Holy Week celebrations. This celebration is known as Easter in Anglo-saxon countries and the tradition, although based on the same custom, has different representations. 

Here, the  Easter Rabbit takes on an important role and is the one that brings children Easter eggs that are hidden all over the house on Easter Sunday morning. Children all over the world celebrate this tradition and enjoy painting eggs.

The tradition of painting Easter eggs has a deep tradition in many countries in Europe and the egg symbolizes new life. People paint eggs and are given as gifts to others.

Cakes are madewith whole hard-boiled eggs which are eaten during this week or on the Easter Sunday.

This is a typical Easter egg hunt where children participate in getting as many eggs as possible.

Click on the following link to watch a story:

Peppa Pig: Easter Bunny

Peppa Pig: The Great Egg Hunt

Dye Easter eggs:

How to draw and colour Ester eggs on paper:

Easter egg template to print:

For those who have holidays this week, enjoy and...

Thursday 21 March 2019

Spring Equinox

Today we can mark on our calendars the Spring Equinox, when the Earth received the same amount of daylight as it does darnkess. In North America, the clocks have already been changed to one hour ahead just two weeks ago. This is called daylight savings time,  In Europe, we will be changing our clocks the last weekend of March, in a week and an half's time.

There's a saying to remember if the clocks are turned back or forward:

Spring forward, Fall back...

Here's some Spring ideas to play with at home: click on the link

How To Make Paper Airplanes That Fly Far 

Spring Flowers:

How to Make Butterfly with Color Paper

DIY How to Paint Rocks

HAVE FUN!                 HAPPY SPRING!

Tuesday 19 March 2019

How to pronounce "Chocolate"

The word "Chocolate" for Spanish speakers is a difficult word to take in as far as pronunciation goes. They tend to want to break it down with the same number of syllables as in Spanish but the truth is that in English, it's got half the amount of syllables, making this word very difficult for Spanish speaking students to learn.

Here's a video I found that will - hopefully - help you better pronounce this "delicious" word.


Thursday 14 March 2019

St. Patrick's Day - 17th March

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated this Sunday, 17th March and is a festivity celebrated by the Irish but is widely extended to countries where there is a large Irish community like the UK, Canada, the USA, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and Mexico.

Saint Patrick's Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador (for provincial government employees), and the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat. Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated in more countries than any other national festival. Modern celebrations have been greatly influenced by those of the Irish diaspora, particularly those that developed in North America.

Click on the link below and enjoy reading about this festivity at the following link. There are games and quizes that you can do for fun!

Thursday 28 February 2019

Story: The Gruffalo

This story is about a tiny little mouse who can outsmart the whole forest.

I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Happy New Year!

Hello and welcome back to a fun-filled year! I hope the holidays were fantastic and full of good rest, family gatherings and memorable moments.

It's time to put on our working hats and roll up those sleeves to get 2019 on the roll. It's hard to believe that there's just over 5 months left for school to come to an end before summer holidays but that gives us plenty of time to keep learning lots of English.

All aboard and best wishes!!
