Sunday 29 January 2017

Week 30th to the 5th February

This week we end the first month of the year and commence the second month of 2017. In this month, we celebrate St. Valentines Day on the 14th, which we will see next week. The cold winter will keep us on our toes this week so, have fun!

Resultado de imagen de february

Monday 23 January 2017

Week 23rd to the 29th January

Resultado de imagen de new year's resolutionsThere's barely only a week and a half left of the first month of the year. January has been quite a cold month, and a windy one as well. Many people start the new year with resolutions or new propositions make to themselves for a brighter and better year. Their like promises to change, be a better person or achieve new things and have new goals to fulfill for this year. Have you decided to make yourself a promise to change something in your life for the better this year? It would be fun to hear from you. One example of changing something could be maybe reading more books, or doing more excercise.

Resultado de imagen de new year's resolutions

Thursday 12 January 2017

Week 9th - 15th January

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to the routine and back to our English classes. Now we are in fully in winter and it's very cold. What are your favorite winter activities?