Thursday 7 December 2017

Week 4th to the 10th December

Only 2 1/2 weeks left until Christmas!

Now we start to get into the Christmasy mood and start playing Christmas carols and Christmas crafts. We only have two more classes left until our holiday break and I want to leave you with fun songs, crafts and activities in the new icons on the blog.

Take care and until next week!!

Monday 20 November 2017

Week 20th to the 26th November, 2017

5 weeks left before Christmas break!

We only have 5 classes left before we finish for the Christmas holidays. We will be finishing the month of November, then we will begin to realize christmas activities right up until the end of the year. Come December, I will place another tab that will be called "Christmas Cheer". This tab will be used to place all things related with Christmas, whether it be games, songs, crafts, etc. 

The first trimester of the year is almost finished!

Let's go for the last lap!

Monday 30 October 2017

Week 30th October to the 5th November


Here are some of the chants that you can hear when children want to ask for candies:

Trick or treat!
Smell my feet!
Give me something good to eat!

Halloween apples!

What are you going to dress up as, for Halloween?

Watch this funny video song about Halloween:

Why We Celebrate Halloween

Monday 16 October 2017

Week 16th to the 22nd October

Only 15 days - two weeks left to celebrate the scariest day of the year!


We will talk about what's new for this year's event and talk about your favourite costume and what you would like to dress up as.

Monday 2 October 2017

English Classes Commence

This week we start our English classes again and I hope that this year we will learn many things together. I will try my best to ensure that everyone is not only confortable with their classes, but has a chance to experience something different and can participate with what each one wants to learn. Communication is very important between a student and a teacher and remember, the more you speak, the better you get at it, so don't be afraid to speak!

Just as last year, I will leave for you videos, films, stories and other activities in this blog so you can practice all year round.

Cheers to a wonderful school year!



Wednesday 20 September 2017

Back to school - Days of excitement

The night before you return to school is always nervewrecking. You're nervous and anxious, a little bit scared of what's to come. Many questions come into mind, like: who will be your new teacher? Will there be new students? Will they like me? Will I like them?

All these questions and more run around in your head but then all the worries fade away the moment the bell rings and you greet your friends from your well deserved holiday and once again you can breathe. For all this and more....

Happy first day of school!!!

Monday 12 June 2017

Week 12th to the 18th June

Two more weeks of school!!

It's getting hot, the days are longer, the beach is near and calling, the pool is ready to swim in...

All these wonderful signs of summer make you want to just sit down and relax a little, while you drink a nice cold glass of lemonade and get ready for a dip.

Have fun this week!!

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Week 1st to the 7th May

This Sunday we celebrate Mother's Day in Spain. How do you celebrate Mother's Day in your home? Tell us about it. What special "something" will you do for your mom?

Monday 17 April 2017

Week 17th to the 23rd April

Back to school from Easter holiday.

I hope everyone had a great week and got to do lots of fun and exciting things. We'll talk about what we've done this past week and how we've celebrated the Easter holiday. Did anyone receive any easter eggs at home? Did you make any easter eggs?

Now we can oficially enjoy Spring. Coming up in three week's time is Mother's day in Spain, then there's only 10 weeks left before summer holidays and shool's out!! Think about that for a minute!

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Week 27th March to 2nd April

This week we will begin preparing for Holy Week celebrations but first there is a celebration that takes place on April 1st - April Fool's day, celebrated in many English speaking countries. It's the equivalent to the Spanish 28th of December where people play jokes on each other. Watch these videos:

Sunday 12 March 2017

Week 13th to the 19th

In this week there is a Spanish celebracion on the 19th: Father's Day. Father's Day is represented as a Saint day: Saint Joseph, which means that on this day, anyone named Joseph or Josephine will celebrate their Saint day and as well Father's Day is celebrated. On this day, we try to celebrate with our father and enjoy by doing special things together and telling him how much we love him and maybe making a special craft for him. 

Sunday 19 February 2017

Week 20th to the 27th February


Resultado de imagen de carnival

This week we are going to take a look at the Carnivals. With celebrations all over the world, the carnivals are held in the month of february and many cities put on their fanciest gowns to show off their best costumes and designs.

If you want to read more about the Rio Carnival, click on the following link:

Thursday 9 February 2017

Week 6th to the 12th February

This week I'd like to show you this web page that I just found it out. It has alot of different information. Try reading an article!

Sunday 29 January 2017

Week 30th to the 5th February

This week we end the first month of the year and commence the second month of 2017. In this month, we celebrate St. Valentines Day on the 14th, which we will see next week. The cold winter will keep us on our toes this week so, have fun!

Resultado de imagen de february

Monday 23 January 2017

Week 23rd to the 29th January

Resultado de imagen de new year's resolutionsThere's barely only a week and a half left of the first month of the year. January has been quite a cold month, and a windy one as well. Many people start the new year with resolutions or new propositions make to themselves for a brighter and better year. Their like promises to change, be a better person or achieve new things and have new goals to fulfill for this year. Have you decided to make yourself a promise to change something in your life for the better this year? It would be fun to hear from you. One example of changing something could be maybe reading more books, or doing more excercise.

Resultado de imagen de new year's resolutions

Thursday 12 January 2017

Week 9th - 15th January

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to the routine and back to our English classes. Now we are in fully in winter and it's very cold. What are your favorite winter activities?